
23 Things, Week 16 Wrap-Up (sniff)

...and 23 Things Kansas rides off into the sunset. Not hardly. I participated in the April 28 wrap up webinar and now am writing this last post to describe my experience. I've invested a lot of time and effort in this project, and it's been fun and intellectually profitable. I'll make a stab at 23 things I've learned (in no particular order): 1. Be patient when learning about new technology. 2. Be fearless when learning about new technology. 3. Be forgiving when learning about new technology. 4. Don't let your laptop battery run out of juice when you're almost finished with a project. 5. There are lots of colleagues who are willing to help. 6. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 7. I love Animoto. 8. I like Facebook a lot more than I thought I would. 8. Screencasting will be a great teaching tool for us. 9. IM can be useful, but I'm not quite ready to use it yet. 10. Twitter is great for quick and dirty marketing. 11. Sony digital cameras have proprietary video file formats (and re-read #4). 12. I already do a lot of computing in the clouds and it doesn't scare me. 13. I'm going to be spending a lot of time on Shelfari cataloging my personal wine library. 14. I can't keep up with my Google Reader RSS feeds. 15. I just love "attending" webinars. 16. It's not who you know, but how you contact them. 17. Bob Dylan is right (the times, they are a changin'). 18. Hang on tight. 19. A broken wiki can be fixed. 20. But a broken flash drive generally can't be. 21. We have started using Google docs at work for interdepartmental communication. 22. I'm sorry it's the end of 23 Things. 23. The 23 Things mentors were AWESOME! Thanks, guys.

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