
Blogging in Week 3 about Week 2's assignment

Better late than never, I say. Up till now I've been blissfully ignorant of most online communities. I do have a Twitter account for my business, but tend to tweet only once every week or two. I chose to launch on Facebook because most everyone I asked was using it. Of course, now that I've signed up, I have LOTS more friends who are constantly, automatically recommended to me. I will need to conquer the feeling that I should respond to absolutely every one of them.

I do like the serendipity of association that Facebook offers. No doubt I will come to appreciate the levels of privacy I can choose to make my "stay" on Facebook more enjoyable. So far I'm using it to friend other people I know who are also participating in 23 Things Kansas. In the future, I hope to build a page for my business.

My library already has a Facebook page
and I've become a fan. It's great to see how many other fans we have who can use the page to learn about library events, changes in policies, etc. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go back to friending and writing on walls. You can find me as "Charlee Glinka" on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. "I will need to conquer the feeling that I should respond to absolutely every one of them."

    If it helps, I still haven't figured that one out yet either! I ALWAYS want to respond... but I'm learning that sometimes, a response isn't needed - there's a balance there somewhere!
