
Long Time, No C

Tempus fugit.  I began writing this post in 2013 thinking I'd get the old blog started up again since my last post in 2011.  Ain't good intentions wonderous?  I made another feeble attempt to blog in 2015 with the same vacuous result.  It's now a good way into 2017 and I'm trying again.

Many things have changed since I last put figurative pen to digital paper here.  My writing tool of choice for the moment is my trusty iPad with its touch screen, a vast improvement over the old, huge Microsoft PC that took forever to boot up and required a full time staff person to install security patches.  Added benefit: I can iPad anywhere I please.  My phone habits morphed from landline to flip phone to smart phone.  I can be in touch with the world instantly, constantly.  My personal experience suggests that's not necessarily a good thing, especially these days when the world is coming at you instantly, constantly, and most of that is unjuried drivel.  YMMV.

I retired from the library world to the vineyard in 2015.  What's that old saw-- my husband's got twice the wife and half the income?  That was a momentous change.  I no longer had to be at a specific place at a specific time doing a specific job anymore.  My days are almost completely ruled now by the vagaries of nature and the weather, and neither of those cares much about schedules.  My work is a good deal more solitary as well, just me and the vines, or mower, or bottles, or paperwork.  I do miss my library family, but I did develop a family of sorts made up of bluebirds, mockingbirds, cardinals, barn swallows, hawks, rabbits, coyotes, badgers, and other varmints du jour.  I experience gorgeous and unusual things here that no one sitting behind a desk ever will.

The other change that has sorta oozed into my life is the expected but unwelcome number of physical complaints that happen as a person advances in life experience.  The eyes aren't as good as they used to be, one knuckle forecasts rain, the back complains when it's worked too hard.  I still work hard, just not as hard and as long as I used to.  I still carry 40 pound cases of wine up 13 steps from the cellar to stock the tasting room, but my knees complain now.  There's a positive to this: I'm always thinking of ways to improve the workflow and reduce the effort involved.  I've actually implemented some of those ideas, but there's always more to be done.

Time for me to get going.  The grass has dried and mowing awaits.  It's that schedule thing.  I may be back here soon, or it may be another 6 years before I post again.  Who knows?


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